Friday, August 21, 2009

I taken over this blog. That's right hostile takeover of the infamous Fatman to Ironman blog! Correct I said infamous not famous. I'm pretty sure it's just me, Eric and his mom that read this blog and I have been jealous of it for quite sometime. Eric with his witty comments and hilarious tone that you just can't help but laugh out loud at. Well I can write pretty good...well I can think about things and from what I've seen that's all you need for a hostile takeover of a blog. Oh by the way if you didn't know already, and of course you do because your likely Eric or his mother, this is Christi "champion" Barber Eric's beautiful and pregnant wife.

I have watched Eric train for this Ironman for the last year and I thought I would share from an outside perspective the journey I have seen the ruggedly handsome Eric begin and will ultimately finish next Sunday. It began with the inspiration of actually attending the Ironman last year. He knew he wanted to do it, but just seeing all of those athletes spread throughout Penticton showing off their drive, determination and sheer toughness cemented something inside Eric. He knew he was an Ironman. Toughness is something that seems to appeal to Eric; rage music with yelling and screaming, skull and cross bones, tattoos, that whole scene (that's right ladies he dresses as good as a gay guy, but has the inner rage of a angry 17 year old kid). Luckily for me, he has channelled that tough guy image into something productive, the ultimate test of toughness in triathlon and sport for that matter, the Ironman. He will be accepted as an athlete for life after this, proving himself to the athletic world and to anyone who ever doubted he could do something.

After he was all hopped up on endorphins from hearing "You are an Ironman" ten thousand times at the finish of the race it was time to get home and let reality set in. He put in hours in the pool, spent a lot of time running in the Florida heat and went out for what seemed like days on the bike. Actually I don't think the reality of the Ironman hit Eric at all until about 4 hours ago. Right before I sent him away on the plane. He looked nervous and excited, that stunned looked. You know when you hear some really big news but your not sure you get it? He had the same look when I told him I was pregnant. I think it's the 'wow this is really happening' look. Truthfully I was kind of glad he had that look, before that I wasn't sure he understood the enormity of this race he was about to take on, but he did.

So now back to the reason I hijacked this blog in the first place. Besides the fact that writing your thoughts out online has some strangely therapeutic attributes, I wanted Eric to know that he's going to be great. I've watched how much time and energy he has put into this race and I just can't wait for it to come to fruition. It's going to be great. When I watched the Ironman last year I wondered what made those people so happy to cross the line? I knew it was hard, but the feeling was more than that. I now know that what I was feeling was not only the individual's accomplishment of crossing the line but the energy and love of all those watching who really understood what it took for their loved ones to become Ironmen. I can barely wait to see the love of my life have all of his hard work and effort be rewarded as he accomplishes one of his life goals. Eric Barber -You are an Ironman! I love you more than ever.

Boo-ya blog completed(I always thought that was a funny way to end a blog).